Tag: google brain

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Google Brain & NYU Guidelines Address ‘Broken’ NLU Benchmarking

A research team from Google Brain and New York University says the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) evaluation system is “broken” and proposes four criteria for improving NLU benchmarks.

AI Research

Google Debuts TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha

TensorFlow is the world’s most popular open source machine learning library. Since its initial release in 2015, the Google Brain product has been downloaded over 41 million times. At this week’s 2019 TensorFlow Dev Summit, Google announced a major upgrade on the framework, the TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha version.

AI Interview

Google Brain Simplifies Network Learning Dynamics Characterization Under Gradient Descent

Machine learning models based on deep neural networks have achieved unprecedented performance on many tasks. These models are generally considered to be complex systems and difficult to analyze theoretically. Also, since it’s usually a high-dimensional non-convex loss surface which governs the optimization process, it is very challenging to describe the gradient-based dynamics of these models during training.


Google Brain Research Scientist Quoc Le on AutoML and More

The Synced Lunar New Year Project is a series of interviews with AI experts reflecting on AI development in 2018 and looking ahead to 2019. In this second installment (click here to read the previous article on Clarifai CEO Matt Zeiler), Synced speaks with Google Brain Researcher Quoc Le on his latest invention, AutoML, Google Brain’s pursuit of AI, and the secret of transforming lab technologies into real practices.