Tag: computer vision

AI Asia Computer Vision & Graphics Popular Research

Do We Really Need Green Screens for High-Quality Real-Time Human Matting?

Researchers from the City University of Hong Kong and SenseTime propose a lightweight matting objective decomposition network (MODNet) that can smoothly process real-time human matting from a single input image with diverse and dynamic backgrounds.

AI Computer Vision & Graphics Machine Learning & Data Science

CUHK & Facebook Demonstrate SOTA Monocular 3D Hand Motion Capture Method ‘FrankMocap’

Researchers from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Facebook Reality Labs, and Facebook AI Research have unveiled a state-of-the-art monocular 3D hand motion capture method, FrankMocap, which can estimate both 3D hand and body motions from in-the-wild monocular inputs with faster speed and better accuracy than previous approaches.