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AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Optimizing Transformers: Microsoft & RUC’s ResiDual Solves Gradient Vanishing and Representation Collapse Issues

In the new paper ResiDual: Transformer With Dual Residual Connections, a team from Microsoft Research, Microsoft Azure Translation, and Renmin University of China proposes ResiDual, a novel transformer architecture that fuses the connections in post-layer normalization and pre-layer normalization to exploit the benefits of both while also addressing their limitations.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Nature Language Tech Research

Google & TAU Explore How Transformer-Based LLMs Extract Knowledge From Their Parameters

In the new paper Dissecting Recall of Factual Associations in Auto-Regressive Language Models, a team from Google DeepMind, Tel Aviv University and Google Research investigates how factual associations are stored and extracted internally in transformer-based language models and provides insights on how such models’ factual predictions are formed.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Microsoft & Peking U’s WizardLM Enables LLMs to Automatically Mass-Produce Complex Instructions

In the new paper WizardLM: Empowering Large Language Models to Follow Complex Instructions, a research team from Microsoft and Peking University presents Evol-Instruct, a novel approach that leverages LLMs to automatically generate large amounts of instruction data with varying levels of complexity. In human evaluations, the team’s resulting WizardLM model’s generated instructions were judged superior to human-created instruction datasets.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

UC Berkeley’s FastRLAP Learns Aggressive and Effective High-Speed Driving Strategies With <20 Minutes of Real-World

In the new paper FastRLAP: A System for Learning High-Speed Driving via Deep RL and Autonomous Practicing, a UC Berkeley research team proposes FastRLAP (Fast Reinforcement Learning via Autonomous Practicing), a system that autonomously practices in the real world and learns aggressive maneuvers to enable effective high-speed driving.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Microsoft’s NaturalSpeech 2 Outperforms Previous TTS Systems in Zero-Shot Speech and Singing Synthesis

In the new paper NaturalSpeech 2: Latent Diffusion Models are Natural and Zero-Shot Speech and Singing Synthesizers, a Microsoft team introduces NaturalSpeech 2, a TTS system with latent diffusion models for natural and strong zero-shot voice synthesis that captures expressive prosodies with superior robustness.

AI Computer Vision & Graphics Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Look Again, YOLO: Baidu’s RT-DETR Detection Transformer Achieves SOTA Results on Real-Time Object Detection

In the new paper DETRs Beat YOLOs on Real-Time Object Detection, a Baidu Inc. research team presents Real-Time Detection Transformer (RT-DETR), a real-time end-to-end object detector that leverages a hybrid encoder and novel IoU-aware query selection to address inference speed delay issues. RT-DETR outperforms YOLO object detectors in both accuracy and speed.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Huawei’s DiffFit Unlocks the Transferability of Large Diffusion Models to New Domains

In the new paper DiffFit: Unlocking Transferability of Large Diffusion Models via Simple Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning, a Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab research team introduces DiffFit, a parameter-efficient fine-tuning technique that enables fast adaptation to new domains for diffusion image generation. Compared to full fine-tuning approaches, DiffFit achieves 2x training speed-ups while using only ~0.12 percent of trainable parameters.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

DeepMind & MPG Establish a Research Program for Meta-Learned Models of Cognition

In the new paper Meta-Learned Models of Cognition, a team from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, MPG) and DeepMind proposes the establishment of a research program focused on meta-learned models of cognition. The team cites machine learning papers demonstrating how meta-learning can be used to construct Bayes-optimal learning algorithms and suggests it can significantly expand the scope of the rational analysis of cognition.

AI Computer Vision & Graphics Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Microsoft & Bath U’s SpectFormer Significantly Improves Vision Transformers via Frequency and Attention

In the new paper SpectFormer: Frequency and Attention Is What You Need in a Vision Transformer, a research team from Microsoft and the University of Bath proposes Spectformer, a novel transformer architecture that combines spectral and multi-headed attention layers to better capture appropriate feature representations and improve performance.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Nature Language Tech Research

Microsoft’s LLMA Accelerates LLM Generations via an ‘Inference-With-Reference’ Decoding Approach

In the new paper Inference with Reference: Lossless Acceleration of Large Language Models, a Microsoft research team proposes LLMA, an inference-with-reference decoding mechanism that achieves up to 2x lossless speed-ups with identical generation results by exploiting the overlaps between LLM outputs and references.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Meet TaskMatrix.AI: A Microsoft ‘Super-AI’ That Links Foundation Models With Millions of APIs to Perform Diverse Tasks

In the new paper TaskMatrix.AI: Completing Tasks by Connecting Foundation Models with Millions of APIs, a Microsoft research team proposes TaskMatrix.AI, a novel ecosystem that connects foundation models with millions of existing models and system APIs to build a “super-AI” capable of addressing a wide range of digital and physical tasks.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Revolutionizing Games: Unveils the Potential of Virtual Interactive Experiences Powered by AI NPCs

A recent tech demo called “Living Chang’an City” has been garnering attention. In this video, AI-powered NPCs can be seen roaming the streets of Chang’an City, each possessing unique identities and short-term and long-term goals. They engage in various life-like interactions, such as chatting, shopping and even falling in love.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Nature Language Tech Research

ColossalChat: An Open-source Solution for Cloning ChatGPT with A Complete RLHF Pipeline

Colossal-AI open sources a complete RLHF pipeline that includes supervised data collection, supervised fine-tuning, reward model training, and reinforcement learning fine-tuning, based on the LLaMA pre-trained model, and shares ColossalChat, the most practical open-source project that closely resembles the original ChatGPT technical solution!

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Nature Language Tech Research

Google’s CoLT5 Processes Extremely Long Inputs via Conditional Computation

A Google Research team addresses transformers’ input sequence limitations in the new paper CoLT5: Faster Long-Range Transformers with Conditional Computation, proposing CoLT5 (Conditional LongT5), a family of models that applies a novel conditional computation approach for higher quality and faster long-input processing of up to 64,000 tokens.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Nature Language Tech Research

OpenAI, Open Research & UPenn Paper Considers How GPTs Will Impact the US Labour Market

In the new paper GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models, a research team from OpenAI, OpenResearch, and the University of Pennsylvania investigates the potential impact of LLMs like GPT on the US labour market, shedding light on the economic, social, and policy implications.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Nature Language Tech Research

Microsoft’s MathPrompter Dramatically Improves LLM Performance on Mathematical Reasoning Tasks

In the new paper MathPrompter: Mathematical Reasoning Using Large Language Models, a Microsoft Research team presents MathPrompter, a novel approach that leverages chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting techniques to improve LLM performance on mathematical reasoning problems and increase confidence in their predictions.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

UBC, Google & Amii’s Exphormer: Scaling Graph Transformers While Slashing Costs

In the new paper Exphormer: Sparse Transformers for Graphs, a team from the University of British Columbia, Google Research and the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute proposes Exphormer, a class of graph transformers with improved scalability and reduced computational complexity that achieves state-of-the-art performance on graph benchmarks.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Speak a Foreign Language in Your Own Voice? Microsoft’s VALL-E X Enables Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Speech Synthesis

In the new paper Speak Foreign Languages with Your Own Voice: Cross-Lingual Neural Codec Language Modeling, a Microsoft research team presents VALL-E X, a simple yet effective cross-lingual neural codec language model that inherits strong in-context learning capabilities from VALL-E and demonstrates high-quality zero-shot cross-lingual speech synthesis performance.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Introducing SpikeGPT: UCSC & Kuaishou’s LLM With Spiking Neural Networks Slashes Language Generation Costs

In the new paper SpikeGPT: Generative Pre-trained Language Model with Spiking Neural Networks, a research team from the University of California and Kuaishou Technology presents SpikeGPT, the first generative spiking neural network language model. The team’s largest, 260M parameter version achieves DNN-level performance while maintaining the energy efficiency of spike-based computations.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Nature Language Tech Research

Tackling Hallucinations: Microsoft’s LLM-Augmenter Boosts ChatGPT’s Factual Answer Score

In the new paper Check Your Facts and Try Again: Improving Large Language Models with External Knowledge and Automated Feedback, a Microsoft Research and Columbia University team presents LLM-Augmenter, a system that augments black-box large language models with a set of plug-and-play modules to significantly improve the factuality of their responses.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Google’s ROSIE Data Augmentation Strategy Scales Robot Learning With Semantically Imagined Experience

In a new paper Scaling Robot Learning with Semantically Imagined Experience, a team from Robotics at Google and Google Research Robot proposes Learning with Semantically Imagined Experience (ROSIE), a general and semantically-aware data augmentation strategy that leverages text-to-image models to obtain data for robot learning.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Nature Language Tech Research

CMU & Inspired Cognition’s DocPrompting Improves Code Generation by Retrieving Relevant Documentation

In the new paper DocPrompting: Generating Code by Retrieving the Docs, a research team from Carnegie Mellon University and Inspired Cognition presents DocPrompting, a natural-language-to-code generation approach. Tasked with generating code to unseen functions or libraries from a natural language intent, DocPrompting retrieves corresponding code documentation to enable the model to learn to perform the task.

AI Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Meta Heats Up the AI Race With Their State-Of-The-Art Foundation Language Model LLaMA

Meta AI reveals the technical details of their LLaMA collection of foundation language models in the new paper LLaMA: Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models. The LLaMA models were trained on trillions of tokens and achieve performance competitive with state-of-the-art models such as GPT-3 and PaLM while being much smaller and using only publicly available training data.

AI Computer Vision & Graphics Machine Learning & Data Science Research

Oxford U Presents RealFusion: 360° Reconstructions of Any Object from a Single Image

In the new paper RealFusion: 360° Reconstruction of Any Object from a Single Image, an Oxford University research team leverages a diffusion model to generate 360° reconstructions of objects from a single image. Their RealFusion approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on monocular 3D reconstruction benchmarks.